Saturday, August 24, 2019

Communication theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Communication theory - Essay Example Language-Centered Perspective proves that cultural framework and cultural knowledge are part of any conversation. In multicultural societies linguistic ideology becomes the means of marginalizing other cultural groups. Consequently, members of non-dominant groups are at a disadvantage because they should be familiar with two types of culture: their own and dominant culture. As a result, in conversations between members of marginalized cultural groups and representatives of dominant linguistic ideologies particular linguistic features emerge. The theory argues that linguistic policies in multicultural societies should take into account cultural diversity since both cultures coexist, constantly develop, and influence one another. In multicultural societies conversations between members of dominant and marginalized groups require the ability to negotiate cultural differences. Co-cultural theory, developed by Mark Orbe, argues that in any society privileged groups reinforce their position through dominant communication system. As a result members of other groups are socially marginalized and have to strategically communicate and negotiate the dominant system. The theory examines negotiating strategies developed by the members of underrepresented groups, such as people of color, women, gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered individuals, and people with disabilities. Their inventory of negotiating practices includes emphasizing similarities, avoiding controversy, overcompensating, bargaining, dissociation, mirroring, self-ridicule, educating others, attacking. The choice of patterns in co-cultural communication depends on six factors: 1) the goals of communication (whether the members of co-cultural group w ant to be assimilated, accommodated, or separated from the dominant group); 2) experiences that influence the inventory of

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